Hear, Then, Now
A collaboration with Kate Yüksel
Sound installation, 9:26 minutes on loop.
Part of Next Door 2021, a juried exhibition curated by Nicole Daniels & created by Skeleton Park Arts Festival .
Artists’ Statement
The pandemic has changed how we hear our lives. Sounds that normally go unnoticed seem louder. Others, like a cough or the doorbell, carry fresh meaning. New sounds emerge when we use our homes as offices, classrooms, gyms, hair salons and more.
Our sound installation is composed of two audio loops that tell stories about a pair of fictional households. The first is home to one adult, while the second contains a family with young children. The recordings include a poem, “micropastoral”, that reflects on life in lockdown through wild landscapes and manufactured interiors. These sound portraits remind us of lives that have continued and adapted, behind closed doors, for many months.

Sound installation photos by Chris Miner